The Popping Valve

The popping valve is a fitting, attached to the bottom of the chanter, that replaces the leather popping strap or "piper's apron". The valves were quite common on old sets and these ones are loosely based on the Taylor design. The valve seals the bottom of the chanter (low D note) when resting on the knee.
An airtight seal here is critical, most especially for sounding the second octave easily and reliably.
Three advantage of the popping valve over the strap are;
1. It's always there when you need it. No losing it, searching or slipping off your knee.
2. 100% reliable airtightness no matter the angle of the chanter, which can change dramatically especially when playing the regulators.
3. The valve aperture is adjustable and can be used to help tune the bottom D.
Available in stainless steel and in brass
The valves are custom built to fit your chanter, within the following parameters:
Minimum length of your existing ferrule must be 21mm
There is no maximum length required.
The internal diametre of the valve ferrule is 18mm. Please allow for some hemping of the chanter. Therefore, suggested maximum diametre of the chanter to accept the valve ferrule is 17.5mm
Only 37 grams or less in weight
Standard outside diametre of ferrule in 20mm
Opening adjustable from 0 - 18mm at its widest point
Tuning adjustment of approx 25cent between closed and open, where both extremes have an acceptable tone.
Leather seat with high density foam padding ensures rugged 100% airtightness.
Tested rigorously over many hours of session playing with zero issues.
Airtight, comfortable and reliable.
We are happy to discuss customising the valve to suit your particular chanter. If your existing ferrule is too short, we may be able to shorten your mount or replace it with a new shorter one to suit.