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About Eoin

Piper and pipemaker Eoin, is the son of the late, well known Cork piper and teacher, Micheál O Riabhaigh. He began his piping career at the tender age of 9 under his father's watchful eye, and continues to play regularly.

Eoin qualified as a Mechanical Fitter in the 1980s and has worked with both metal and wood for most of of his adult life. He headed up the workshop at the National Sculpture Factory in Cork for 10 years where he developed an appreciation of materials and a flair for design. Later, he set up his own business, Arts Fabrication and Maintenance and continued to work with sculptors, galleries and private collections. During this time he also started to make pipes and pipe parts on a part-time basis and completed several fine full sets in D.

He has since also restored some old and historically significant instruments.


Eoin's penchant for things I.T. led him to completing a Masters Degree in Multimedia Development For Education at University of Limerick, which proves useful today, as some elements of his manufacturing employ the use of 3D modeling and CNC machining.

Eoin has enjoyed a very varied career as a piper, having performed and recorded with, among others,  Dolores Keane, Mary Black, Iris Demente (US), Tom Russell (US), Matt Cranitch, Frankie Gavin, The Xenia Ensemble (Turin), Tim O Brien etc.. He has played and taught throughout Europe and the U.S. He currently plays a regular gig in Cork's premier traditional music venue, The Corner House, on Coburg Street along with Johnny McCarthy (Four Star Trio), Aidan Coffey (ex De Danann) and several friends who drop in regularly. 

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